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Slow Ways – Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Gaelic

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The Slow Ways Great Britain Journey Planner is back! This time it has been double-sided to cover the whole of GB, and also features Celtic language labels. Across Wales and the south are Welsh language place names, and in Scotland and the north are Scottish Gaelic place names. 

This version is folded with the Gaelic (northern sheet) facing outwards.  

Is e iomairt a th’ ann an Slow Ways airson lìonra nàiseanta de shlighean coiseachd a chruthachadh, a tha a’ co-cheangal bhailtean beaga is mòra Bhreatainn a thuilleadh air na mìltean de bhailtean-fearainn. Gu ruige seo, tha saor-thoilich air còrr air 8000 slighe a tha comasach a cho-roinn. Faodaidh sibh cuideachadh le bhith dìreach a’ coiseachd nan slighean, a’ roinn ur fiosrachaidh le càch agus a’ postadh ath-sgrùdaidhean air an làraich-lìn againn. Cleachdaibh am mapa seo còmhla ris an làraich-lìn againn gus tursan a bheachdachadh, a phlanadh, a choiseachd agus a roinn. Carson nach cuir sibh dath air na slighean agaibh?

Slow Ways is an initiative to create a national network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain’s towns and cities as well as thousands of villages. So far volunteers have shared over 8,000 possible routes. You can help by simply walking routes, sharing your experiences with others and posting reviews on our website. Use this map alongside our website to imagine, plan, walk and share journeys. Why not colour in your routes?

Mae Slow Ways yn fenter i greu rhwydwaith genedlaethol o lwybrau cerdded sy’n cysylltu holl drefi a dinasoedd Prydain Fawr yn ogystal â miloedd o bentrefi. Hyd yma, mae gwirfoddolwyr wedi rhannu dros 8,000 o lwybrau posib. Gallwch ein helpu yn rhwydd iawn, trwy gerdded ein llwybrau, rhannu eich profiadau ag eraill a phostio adolygiadau ar ein gwefan. Defnyddiwch y map hwn ochr yn ochr â’n gwefan i ddychmygu, cerdded a rhannu teithiau. Beth am liwio eich llwybrau chi? for more

ISBN 9781914432149